
2048px · Wallpaper für das iPad Retina Display

Ihr seid noch auf der Suche nach dem perfekten Wallpaper für euer iPad 3? Dann einfach mal den mobilen Browser öffnen und die recht schicke Webseite von 2048px besuchen.

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2048pixels provides a venue for anyone to download original 2048×2048 iPad retina artwork by some of the best designers in the world. With the release of the latest iPad, there is a real need in the market for products that utilize this incredible resolution. 2048pixels creates a place for all designers to showcase their skills while leveraging this latest technology in exciting ways.


The website was built strictly with the retina display in mind. It is one of the first websites out there will full 100% support for retina display graphics. When viewed on the iPad, will provide the feel and usability of a native iPad application. Users can swipe the gallery left or right in order to easily browse through the available wallpaper. When desired wallpaper is found, simply tap on it and the wallpaper product page will be displayed. On this page you will be able to both download and share this wallpaper with the world.

-> 2048px


Autor: Björn

Ich bin Björn und quasi der COO von aptgetupdateDE. Ich kümmere mich um die PR und allerlei Kontaktaufnahmen zu Hardwareherstellern und Softwareentwicklern. Erreichbar bin ich bei Twitter und natürlich per E-Mail.

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